After calling it an early night to start early mornings we said our goodbyes to Austin, with a coffee shop stop at Austin Java, a honey nut latte and a seven layer bar to go... The driving again commenced.
We were advised to keep a close eye on gas while driving through Texas and the remaining states as gas stations run scarce. Our first stop of the day we finally found our road trip totem: Peace Monkey. The perfect addition for any drive, really.
Along the way we saw a lot of... This.
Very straight through roads but the mountains and hills were just out of this world. Not like driving north and south on I95. Glorious!
The clouds. The big open sky. Just beautiful.
A billion miles later and the next necessary gas station. In the middle of nowhere. Literally. We did our good deed of giving water and food to a homeless man.
Noted again, maps or google maps do not always provide the best of routes. The latter half of the drive was a bit back roady along the border and farm areas.
New Mexico was exciting for the opportunity to stay at a hotel. To actually shower.. And sleep in a comfortable pillow top bed for a night and a break.
We popped over to Tokyo Sushi, to well... Get some "local" food and to fend off a craving.
Of course I needed to capture a Wiener schnitzel!
Cable indulgence a well rested dreamland blur of New Mexico and onward! Checkout time was a very exceptional noon.
It was quite lovely to leave so refreshed for the last "bit" of the drive to San Diego.
A border patrol stop.
And you guessed it! More driving. With one of my favorite random stops at this roadside store.
Oh the amazing treasures inside...
Funds were dwindling, I needed to focus on more important luxuries like hydration.
Though I did splurge on two dream catchers, one for myself and one as a gift for my friend.
More desert and some doodling.
Desert and mountains and hidden towns.
And driving :) it was a a very quiet stretch. Too much to take in also the realization that the vacation was almost over.
We even saw a few dust storm formations.
By this point it was around dusk, pretty exhausted and still a ways to go til San Diego.